Your dental hygiene boards are coming up. There are many obstacles still in the way – clinic, final assignment, graduation requirements, and more. The dental hygiene boards are, on top of everything that is going on, another burden. How can you tackle the challenge like a champ? Here are some of the solutions I found coaching numerous students.
“It is like planning a wedding; there is a checklist of items that need to be ready.”
#1: Take a calendar and count the days
It is scary to face reality. But the challenge becomes manageable if you control it by writing down a plan. Find a calendar and see how many days you have left until the National Dental Hygiene Boards.
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“The goal is simple – fitting in everything you need to pass the National Dental Hygiene Boards”
#2: Make a plan
School work may take up your Monday through Thursday. Maybe you have a job! That is completely ok. Just cross out those dates and be true to yourself.
The goal is simple – fitting in everything you need to pass the National Dental Hygiene Boards. It is like planning a wedding; there is a checklist of items that need to be ready. We just can’t vaguely imagine what is going to happen. We have to be fully ready.
If you choose to pursue the STEP by STEP process with StudentRDH, you will find 17 chapters to study.
On average, 1 chapter on StudentRDH takes about 2 days to finish. This includes the study guides with bite-size topics and the 2 sets of practice questions for each chapter. So if you were going to write your plan, you would write for example “radiology” for Saturday and Sunday this week, then “oral pathology” the following week.
But we also have a fantastic mock exam that features a timer, so make sure you leave a day for that!

“If you did not pay attention to your checklist, you may find lots of unpleasant surprises on your big day.”
#3: Find a way to check your progress
If we use the idea of wedding planning again, the checklist needs to be continuously monitored. If you never looked back at the list and never called your wedding planner to understand if the planning is going well, you may find lots of unpleasant surprises on your big day. It is the same for the dental hygiene boards, choose a system that can help you track what you are doing.
If it is a book, mark off every chapter and topic you reviewed manually. Go bold and cross it out, don’t be shy.
If you are using StudentRDH, your progress is already reflected on your dashboard. You can visualize how close you are to accomplishing 100%. Also, see the green checkmark next to each topic.

#4: Read the full National Dental Hygiene Boards guide
So many students never read the guidelines provided by the national boards regulatory body. It will take 30 minutes and $0. So why not getting to know your opponent? Did you know you had a mandatory break in between the two sessions? Did you know that you had a note function on your computer?
For the NDHCE (Canada), follow the link here and see the FAQs. Also, find the full guide!
Hoping and praying does not help with passing the boards. Know the rules, make a plan, study, repeat. See what a student who recently took the boards said:

The success rate for the NDHCE is about 75% (unofficial estimation). That means 1 out of 4 students fails. That cannot be you! Do something today!
National (NBDHE, NDHCE)+ Local Anesthesia + CSCE Dental Hygiene Boards Review by StudentRDH
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