Q: Patients with artificial joints require premedication before dental treatments for:
(A.) The first 6 months
(B.) The first 2 months
(C.) The first 2 years
(D.) Premedication is not indicated

Mini Boards Reviews for the National + Local Anesthesia + CSCE Dental Hygiene Boards Exams!
This is probably one of the most commonly asked questions by students at StudentRDH Dental Hygiene Board Exams Review. At school, you may have been taught the “2 years, or for life” rule. But toss that! The newest guidelines from the ADA says otherwise. Let’s review this so you can memorize the correct info for the Dental Hygiene Board Exams (NBDHE, NDHCE, WREB, CDCA).
The most recent guidelines (Journal of American Dental Association, January 2015 update) says: artificial joints (unless the patient is immunocompromised and/or has an infection) do NOT require antibiotics prior to dental procedures. This means that, unless the patient is ill with other medical conditions, he/she does NOT need premedications.
Answer: (D.) Premedication is not indicated
But now you may think… I am always worried that the board does NOT update their questions/answers. Students ask me all the time what they should do. If I was the person taking the dental hygiene boards exams (NBDHE, NDHCE, WREB, CSCE), I would go according to the new guidelines. If you have to dispute something, at least you can pull up this updated guideline by the ADA which is considered one of the most trusted sources of information in the dental world. All this information is part of the chapter of Pharmacology at StudentRDH Dental Hygiene board exams review for the NBDHE or NDHCE.
Now this is really important information that will save you and your friend precious points on the exam, so make sure to share the knowledge! Even faculties are not sure about this, so be proactive and share this ADA guideline with the link above. Everybody will thank you.
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National (NBDHE, NDHCE)+ Local Anesthesia + CSCE Dental Hygiene Boards Review by StudentRDH
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(Disclaimer: StudentRDH is NOT affiliated with the NBDHE, NDHCE, CSCE, CDCA, WREB.)