The scores of 15 dental hygiene students are: 80, 85, 67, 90, 86, 87, 85, 90, 83, 75, 89, 82, 82, 88, and 85. What is the mode?
mode most common, dental hygiene exam prep

The scores of 15 dental hygiene students are: 80, 85, 67, 90, 86, 87, 85, 90, 83, 75, 89, 82, 82, 88, and 85. What is the mode?

The scores of 15 dental hygiene students are: 80, 85, 67, 90, 86, 87, 85, 90, 83, 75, 89, 82, 82, 88, and 85. What is the mode?

(A.) 75
(B.) 80
(C.) 85
(D.) 90

mode most common, dental hygiene exam prep

Answer: (C.) 85

Mode is the value that is most frequently observed. In this case, 85 is observed 3 times.

Median is the number that separates the data into two halves. (If there are two middle numbers, get their average). In this case the median is also 85.

Mean is the average (add all values then divide by the total number of data). In this case, the mean is 89.

Tips: “MO” in MOde, “MO” in MOst frequently.

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Written by
Claire Jeong, RDH, MS
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